Kids, Labels And Drugs

Kids, Labels And Drugs

Children are seen as a group where medication use is low and hence a potential group for increased use (sales) of medications. Two crazy ideas have been floated in different parts of the world. In the USA the latest idea is for cholesterol level screening in children....
Beware Of Alarmist Nonsense

Beware Of Alarmist Nonsense

Regular readers will know I am not a fan of hysteria in health stories. In the last couple of weeks we have had two. The WA State Government is running an advertising campaign on the dangers of alcohol. Nothing new there you might think. This campaign focuses on the...
Good News For Chocolate Fans

Good News For Chocolate Fans

Just in time for Easter comes new research, which show, wait for it, that people who regularly eat some chocolate have a lower BMI than those who do not.  Whilst the reason was not determined, the link withstood allowance for a host of other variables. This has got to...