The term gaslighting is a colloquialism, loosely defined as manipulating someone to make them question their own reality. The term apparently derives from the title of the 1944 film Gaslight, though the term did not gain popular currency in English until the...
It is easy to tell when a sporting event is over. Either a prerequisite number of wins have been attained (e.g. tennis) or a finish line has been crossed. In time-based games, a siren or bell sounds to inform players, umpires and the crowd that time is up, and the...
As Led Zeppelin said “you know sometimes words have two meanings” Words do mean different things to different people. The dictionary defines science as “…knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation, experimentation and systematic study”. It...
Here is a disturbing study finding. Breathing air has a 100% association with death. Every person who has died has breathed air during their lives. Clearly, we need public health messages about the harms of breathing the air. The precautionary principle demands that...
Just when you thought that the antics of the nanny state and big public health could not get any worse or more ridiculous, they prove you wrong. The Cockburn Council in Perth has asked food truck operators to submit their menus prior to being allowed to attend a...
For the record, I enjoy a glass or two of wine with dinner and have enjoyed a glass at social functions. It is even the case that through the course of my existence, I have, on a few (genuinely a few) occasions had a glass or so more than was necessarily ideal. Other...