That medical science has advanced over the last century and that it has provided benefits for many is a statement of fact and the obvious. It is also possible to have too much of a good thing. More to the point, as with most industries, and yes healthcare is an...
It is easy to tell when a sporting event is over. Either a prerequisite number of wins have been attained (e.g. tennis) or a finish line has been crossed. In time-based games, a siren or bell sounds to inform players, umpires and the crowd that time is up, and the...
Like nearly all of us, I sometimes look at astrological forecasts. At the start of this year nobody predicted a pandemic. Yet, to give credit where due, the prediction was for a year of unusually big upheaval based on a conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. Apparently...
Notice to readers. At this time we must all comply with directives and advisories. This is not a time for glueing oneself to the road. The purpose of this article is to raise questions – not give any advice. “There is an old adage about a week being a long...
Some weeks it really is hard to know where to start or what to write about – not because there is so little but because there are so many topics worthy of covering. With Christmas only, a week away it is also time to wonder where another year and indeed another decade...
Australia recently had a Federal election, where, as usual, health spending featured prominently with both sides promising to spend more. There is little questioning of what it is hoped to achieve or whether proposed spending is based on actual need. When it came to...