Modern Heresy

Modern Heresy

When Galileo Galilei proposed that the earth revolved around the sun (heliocentrism), he was investigated by the Roman Inquisition, which concluded that heliocentrism was “foolish and absurd in philosophy, and formally heretical since it contradicted in many...
Truth In Medicine

Truth In Medicine

Fairly quietly the effectiveness of this year’s flu vaccine in different ages groups has been released. Previously, Australis’s chief medical officer Professor Brendan Murphy, said this season’s vaccine, selected by the WHO, gave “moderate to good”...
On The Fence

On The Fence

Sitting on the fence is not a preferred option of mine. Set aside the cliché about the potential for splinters in a sensitive area of the body, it means that you don’t really have a view. In fairness, we can’t know about everything so there are times when one will not...


With the decline in smoking rates (particularly in countries which allow use of e-cigarettes) alcohol has become the whipping boy. Let us be clear on the outset. Excessive consumption of alcohol causes major problems not just for the individual but often for those...