Ten Tips For Younger Looking Skin

The skin is the largest organ in the body- that’s right it is an organ like the liver heart or kidneys. It has a variety of vital functions ranging from helping with temperature regulation to eliminating toxins and, of course keeping our body together. Imagine the...

Overcoming Obstacles In 2011-Happy New You

Can you believe its already 2011? This is the time of year for new years resolutions.   Many people will have resolutions to do with their health. Unfortunately some of these will be the same as last years and maybe some years before that too. The problem being that...

Twelve Tips For A Stress Free Christmas

If you ask a group of adults the question “Who is looking forward to Christmas”? A number of hands would go up. If you then ask “Who is looking forward to Christmas being…over?” A second set of hands goes up. Ask a group of year one school children the same questions...

Air Is Essential – Conditioning It Is Not

It is very rare to have a politician tell people what they do not want to hear. Part of the reason for this is the frenzy that occurs when they do. In turn this explains why there is so little “leadership” in any level of government. You cannot lead when all you do is...