There are two models that are directly related to success and failure cycles that help lead the way to either a positive outcome, or if ineffectively applied, a negative outcome. Those two models are:
The success model
The failure model
Creating a Success Model:
Creating a success model for positive lifestyle change involves several important components:
Clearly identifying the primary reason driving you to make the change and passionately committing to make the changes you desire.
Finding a support group or individual who will commit with you and support you…and you in return will support them in this important initiative.
Setting realistic, moderate goals for daily exercise and dietary reform and tracking progress daily through the use of a chart.
Making timely assessments of progress.
Identifying the obstacles that will cause you to lose focus.
Refusing to make excuses or accept excuses from your support person (s).
Having a coach.
Falling Prey to the Failure Model:
The understanding of the success model and the failure model is very important in trying to gain control of ones personal life. As one proceeds in trying to create a healthier lifestyle that includes moderate exercise and moderate nutritional reform, it is also important to clearly identify factors in their personal life that may contribute to a failure model. Success models are the goal, but identifying and overcoming the negative obstacles that almost certainly will occur as one seeks to change their life is equally important. The causes of failure can include people, avoidable circumstances and guilt. It is important to identify these causes in ones life and work hard to ensure that they do not cause the person to get off track.
One of the typically unrealized benefits of lifestyle interventions is that as a result of making a plan and sticking to it affects others. Either knowingly or unknowingly the participant makes a tremendous positive impact on others around them and can cause more people to get involved in lifestyle modification as well. Success breeds success.
When someone does finally decide to make a conscious-committed decision to lifestyle change, their opportunity for maximal success can be enhanced by seeking professional guidance from an experienced professional source. Seeking professional help is the logical solution to any major issue that seeks maximal results; when seeking medical advice contact a doctor; when buying a house contact a real estate professional; when buying insurance contact an insurance agent; and when investing hard earned money contact an investment broker. Therefore, it should stand to reason that when seeking to improve ones wellness as a practical step in health intervention or simply to enhance self-esteem and increase performance potential, a wellness professional should be contacted.
As with any professional service there is some type of fee involved. However, when one considers how much money is spent on entertainment and dining out it should become obvious that in a realistic approach there is money available to spend on a professional wellness program and/or professional wellness coach. If you elect to use a personal trainer, be sure to find out what certifications the personal trainer has and what those certifications represent in terms of attainment criteria. The trainer must also be quantifiably dependable and have the ability to motivate their clients. In an effective lifestyle modification program, whether through a trainer, personal coach or formal program, there are several important criteria for the participant
1. Effective cardiovascular exercise
2. Effective resistance training
3. Effective nutritional modification
4. Effective support mechanism
5. Effective immune system education
6. Effective system to offset stress
7. Effective use of goals to attain success systematically
8. Effective time-management
Wellness of the body, mind and soul represents the missing link that can power up any success-oriented individual’s maximum potential for even greater success. No matter how successful one already is, if their goals fail to address their physical well being, they are not realizing their full potential. By adding proper exercise and proper nutrition to ones daily regimen goal achievement potential will be increased dramatically!
Geoff Hampton is a Medical Fitness Management & Leadership Development Specialist & Executive Director of the global grass roots campaign The Weekly Fitness Challenge .
Connect with Geoff at

Medical Doctor, author, speaker, media presenter and health industry consultant, Dr Joe Kosterich wants you to be healthy and get the most out of life.
Joe writes for numerous medical and mainstream publications, is clinical editor at Medical Forum Magazine, and is also a regular on radio and television.
Joe is Medical Advisor to Medicinal Cannabis Company Little Green Pharma, Chairman of Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association and sits on the board of Arthritis and Osteoporosis WA. He is often called to give opinions in medico legal cases.
He has self-published two books: Dr Joe’s DIY Health and 60 Minutes To Better Health.
In 2024 due to public demand he commenced a podcast, Dr Joe Unplugged, which can be accessed via Spotify, Apple or YouTube.
Through all this he continues to see patients as a GP each week.