The Twelve Tips Of Christmas

The Twelve Tips Of Christmas

If you ask a group of adults the question “Who is looking forward to Christmas”? A number of hands would go up. If you then ask “Who is looking forward to Christmas being…over?” A second set of hands goes up. Ask a group of year one school children the same questions...
Pets Enhancing Health

Pets Enhancing Health

For as long as I can remember there have always been animals in my house. As a child a ginger cat that apparently liked to sleep under the bassinet preceded me. Over the years we have had as series of cats, more recently a dog, and at times goldfish and hermit crabs....
Easy Ways To Stop Binge Eating

Easy Ways To Stop Binge Eating

Many people trip up on their eating plans because they get cravings. They resist and resist but then finally give in. This can result in binging on all the “wrong” foods and set you back on your quest. It makes more sense to allow yourself small treats as you go. This...
The Health Benefits Of Meditation

The Health Benefits Of Meditation

Whilst words have certain meanings they also can have connotations. For many the notion of meditation is sitting in a cave dressed in something orange chanting ohm. The dictionary defines meditation as both the act of contemplating or reflecting and contemplation of...
3 Tips For Reducing Stress

3 Tips For Reducing Stress

Stress is a buzzword but we all feel its effects to some degree. Our bodies are designed to react to physical threats, as our ancestors would have faced. But today when the threat is not physical (such as financial pressures or work related problems) our bodies react...