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15 Cancer Causing Products Hidden In Our Homes & How To Minimise Your RiskThe only way to choose health is in gaining awareness.

1- Your clothes may be tox-sick. Research states synthetic materials, flame retardants, thermoplastics and wrinkle-free clothes can be filled with formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is viewed as a carcinogen for humans and causal in respiratory cancer.

The flame retardant, tris(2,3-dibromopropyl)phosphate (tris-BP), can be absorbed by our skin through clothing and increases our risk for cancer. Fire retardants are also present in some materials covering our living room sofas and chairs. Additionally, mattresses can be treated with a flame retardant, which can impact thyroid disease and thyroid cancer. To minimize your risk, read labels when purchasing clothes and furniture. There are no safe levels.

2- VOCs are found in building materials, glues and paints designed for home improvements and can lead to chromosomal damage. Chronic exposure to volatile organic compounds cause cancer, liver damage, kidney damage, and central nervous system damage. To minimize your risk, use toxic-free building supplies.

3- Inhalation of chemicals found in laundry vents can be causal in lung carcinoma. “Studies show analysis of 25 volatile organic compounds, of those two chemicals acetaldehyde and benzene are classified as carcinogens, for which the agency has established no safe exposure level.” To minimize your risk, use non-toxic laundry detergents and ditch dryer sheets.

4- Vinyl chloride is used in the making of polyvinyl chloride or PVC. PVCs can be found in floors and windows.

Polyvinyl chloride is also found in additives in personal care products. (deodorants, fragrances, face creams, and fingernail polish) These contribute to the disruption of our endocrine system. Most importantly these chemicals have an associative risk for cancer. Controlled studies showed diethyl phthalate found in cosmetics are later found in urine increasing our risk for breast cancer. It’s a medically recognized fact that the body absorbs significant amounts of what we put on our skin within seconds.  To minimize your risk, choose organic cosmetics and skin care products.

5- A topical application of Benzoyl peroxide as a treatment for oily skin or acne can put you at risk for melanoma.  Skin tumor-promoting activity of benzoyl peroxide, is a widely used free-radical generating compound. To minimize your risk, use organic carrot seed or organic orange peel essential oils on your skin instead. These are far safer and non-toxic.

6- The U.S. National Research Council (NRC) states that fluoride is an “endocrine disruptor in the broad sense of altering normal endocrine function.”

Fluoride is a waste product found in city water, wine, processed juices, vitamins, and oral cleansing products.  Children and young adults are extremely sensitive to its toxic side effects. Fluoride has a direct connection to osteosarcoma. To minimize your risk, use a high quality water filter to remove fluoride. Additionally, because we absorb chemicals from showers, install a high quality shower filter and purchase non-fluoridated oral-care products.

7- Non-stick teflon pots and pans are convenient to use but have hidden toxic side-effects. PFOA material, that non-stick coating material, is a powerful hormone disruptor that can leach into foods when heated. This toxin contaminates our environment and drinking water and is found causal in testicular, prostate, and ovarian cancers. To minimize your risk, use high quality ceramic or stainless steel pots and pans.

8- Electromagnetic frequencies cause free-radical formation, which harms brain cells, vision, and neurotransmitters. (Serotonin and dopamine) EMFs can be found in blue light from computers, Wifi, cells phones, televisions, businesses, and other electrical devices such as smart meters. EMFs can lead to oxidative stress, Alzheimer’s disease, and eventually cancer. EMF’s cannot only disrupt our sleep they can be linked to DNA damage. To minimize your risk, remove EMFs from your bedroom and turn off wi-fi three hours before bedtime.

9- Are you still dry-cleaning your clothes? A professional dry-cleaner may put your health at risk. Trichloroethylene, a degreaser, is used in dry-cleaning and other products such as paint removers, and printing inks. Environmentally Trichloroethylene eventually ends up in our water supply.  Trichloroethylene is linked to liver and kidney cancer. To minimize your risk, try steaming your clothes in a front-loading washing machine instead of dry-cleaning.

10- What pesticides are you spraying in your kitchen for ants and roaches? And if spraying lysol on furniture it’s a chemical/pesticide. Environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals such as pesticides (organophosphate) have been linked to cancer, especially breast and prostate cancer. Children exposed to pesticides triple their risk for blood cancers and can increase our risk for breast cancer. Atrazine is one of the most widely used herbicides in the U.S. and is sprayed on golf courses. “Glyphosate-based herbicides, such as the well-known “Roundup,” can cause DNA damage and act as an endocrine disruptor.” Atrazine and Glyphosate is sprayed on our food supply. To minimize your risk, choose to eat organic foods and use pesticide-free traps inside your home.

11- Caution! There is a link between processed meats and cancer. “In 2015 the International Agency for Research on Cancer concluded that bacon, ham, hotdogs, and other processed meats are “carcinogenic to humans.” They conclude, eating 50 grams of processed meat daily raises the risk of colorectal cancer by twelve percent.”

“CSPI is asking for a warning label on packages of processed meat that says “USDA WARNING: Frequent consumption of processed meat products may increase your risk of developing cancer of the colon and rectum.” To minimize your risk, avoid combining bacon with eggs and consume colorful foods from Mother Nature’s Table.

12- Cow dairy infected with Insulin-like Growth Factor is not good for human consumption. “Acne, breast cancer and prostate cancer have all been linked epidemiologically to dairy intake.” To minimize your risk, make homemade almond milk.

13- Research over recent years indicates that the health of mitochondria is very much lifestyle and diet dependent. Our brain is dependent on the function of our Mitochondria because of high-energy demand. Addictions or excessive consumption of trans-fats (hydrogenated oils) reduces mitochondrial efficiency and increases Reactive Oxygen Species. This can pave the way for non-alcoholic liver disease, colon, breast and prostate cancer. To minimize your risk, bake or sauté your foods and always avoid toxic vegetable oils.

14- Diet sugars aren’t designed to help us lose weight. They keep us sick, toxic, fat, lethargic, and depressed. Aspartame creates carcinogenic side-effects in our mind and body. According to the American journal of clinical nutrition, “aspartame is causal in lymphomas and leukemia.” To minimize your risk, stop drinking and eating nutrient deficient and chemical laden diet products.

15- Our children are exposed to a variety of chemicals in processed foods. Some of these toxic ingredients are linked to cancer. For example, Doritos™ ingredients include GMO corn, cheese, maltodextrin, and corn syrup solids, artificial dyes such as red and yellow, refined salt and sugar, MSG, wheat, and acrylamide. To minimize your risk, prepare homemade treats, read labels, and refuse to purchase anything with toxic ingredients.