Time To Be Accountable

Time To Be Accountable

It is amazing how the opposite of what we actually want happens when we focus on that which we do not want. If it had not been for the deaths of three American Diplomats and the appalling scenes on the streets of Sydney most of the world would never have heard of the...
Restoring Values In Life

Restoring Values In Life

Last week we got an email from the principal of the school reminding parents about appropriate behaviour at school sports. Apparently there have been a number of incidents at interschool sports (and this is not isolated to one school) involving swearing and bad...
Grappling With The  Entitlement Mentality

Grappling With The Entitlement Mentality

There is an old adage about a week being a long time in politics. A few weeks ago I wrote a leader in my newsletter about the entitlement mentality. This was sparked by an interesting op-ed piece in the New York Times about the then upcoming French election. The take...