Those old enough to remember the 1970’s will recall that society looked different. Those too young can look at pictures of groups of people from that era. Aside from the fashions (although they will no doubt have a resurgence one day) and the architecture, the most...
Just when you thought that the antics of the nanny state and big public health could not get any worse or more ridiculous, they prove you wrong. The Cockburn Council in Perth has asked food truck operators to submit their menus prior to being allowed to attend a...
Those old enough to remember the 1970’s may remember the P 76 motor car. It was supposed to be the best car ever built. The manufacturers told the public it was based on best research and information. In the real world the car bombed. People found it to be an awful...
Trigger warning – those offended by politically incorrect views are advised to read no further. Dateline 2024 – a client enters the GP cubicle. “X” (gender or marital status is no longer recorded in medical information) “Back before 2018 you used to tell...