Does this sound familiar? “I want to eat healthier to lose weight, but it seems too complicated.” If that sounds like you, let’s start with breakfast. rather than trying to tackle the whole problem, we could focus on just one part of eating healthier – deciding what to have for breakfast.
Breakfast is key to your optimal health and weight loss success ..and it sets the tone for the day ahead in terms of what your food choices will be the rest of the day. The good news is that you don’t have to worry about counting calories, grams, carbs or points, you simply need to know which types of foods are the most nutrient dense.
Studies show that eating breakfast promotes a healthy weight and weight loss, emotional resilience and longevity. Breakfast stabilizes your blood sugar which helps stop hunger, cravings and boosts your metabolism.
When you count nutrients instead of calories, your health is transformed.
The foods you choose first thing in the day should be low in natural sugar to keep your blood sugar as steady as possible. This is important in preventing hunger and cravings, as well as for your stress levels which will reduce the belly fat hormone cortisol and help to reduce overall weight.
Specific types of foods will put an end to your constant, annoying hunger and cravings, so you can create weight loss success.
A Simple Checklist Can Make Eating Healthier Feel a Little Less Complicated:
- I chose a protein such as whey powder or eggs to help me stay fuller, longer
- I added a healthy fat such as seeds, nuts or avocado
- I drank water, coffee or tea instead of fruit juice.
- I included some type of fruit, veggie or veggie juice.
- I made it myself so I know exactly what’s in it.
- I didn’t add any sugar or sweetener.
Foods to Avoid:
- Boxed cereals
- Boxed granola bars
- Sweetened nondairy milks
- Yogurts with added sugar
- Frozen waffles or frozen meals
- Protein powders with added sugar
- Refined bread or any bread with added sugar
- Nut butters with added sugar
- Maple syrup, honey, molasses (extremely high in sugar even though natural)
- Processed meats or sausage (high in sodium, possibly contain GMO ingredients)
- Granola (usually made with refined sugar or high-glycemic sweeteners like honey)
Choosing the right foods for your first meal has a healthy domino effect with your food choices for the day ahead and one of the easiest things you can do for weight loss.

LORI SHEMEK, Ph.D., is a leading researcher in fat cells and the owner of DLSHealthWorks, a company she created to help men and women conquer their issues with weight and self-esteem. Her work has been featured in Ladies’ Home Journal, Shape, Woman’s Day, The Rikki Lake Show, ABC, CNN, NPR, FOX News, and The Huffington Post, which recognized her as one of the nation’s top diet and nutrition experts.
Dr. Shemek holds a Doctorate in Psychology; she is a Certified Nutritional Consultant and a Certified Life Coach.
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