There are simple ways to reduce your chances of getting ill in winter. [youtube][/youtube] Dr JoeDr Joe Kosterich – Doctor, Health Industry Consultant and Author Doctor, speaker, author, and health...
Each year we get the same chicken little story that the sky is falling. It has not and it will not. [youtube][/youtube] Dr JoeDr Joe Kosterich – Doctor, Health Industry Consultant and Author Doctor, speaker, author, and...
The Channel 9 Today show have asked me to do a regular health and wellbeing segment. This first one is on winter viruses. [youtube][/youtube] Dr JoeDr Joe Kosterich – Doctor, Health Industry Consultant and Author...
A major review of the data behind the anti- flu drugs Tamiflu and Relenza was released earlier this month. Governments worldwide spent billions of dollars stockpiling these drugs (Tamiflu particular) to release in case of a pandemic. This was based on them reducing...
As we start another winter in the southern hemisphere the doom and gloom calls are already up. This will be the worst winter for viruses. There is a killer flu on the loose. The system will not cope. The only answer is to get a flu shot. We are told that having a flu...