5 Tips To Enhance Your Immune System

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5 Tips To Enhance Your Immune System

Whilst viruses are present in the environment all year round more cases are seen in winter. Some people rarely get viral illnesses and others are frequently sick.
Equal exposure to viruses does not mean equal numbers or severity of infections.

To use an analogy, if it is raining outside and you are inside a house, you won’t get wet – unless the roof is damaged and leaking. The rain is the same but your protection has been damaged.

Our protective roof against viruses is our immune system. When it is fully functional, it will stop any virus and we don’t get sick. This happens each day, as we are constantly exposed to viruses, and we don’t even realise it.

Two questions that arise are what leads to a weakening of the immune system and what can be done to strengthen it.

Lack of sleep, eating too much sugary food, and stress can lower our immunity. Smoking and exposure to other toxins are also factors.

Here are five simple tips on helping your immune system.

  1.  Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, which are high in antioxidants.
  2.  Get enough essential fatty acids such as fish, olives (or olive oil), linseed or nuts.
  3. Many people may benefit from vitamin supplements, particularly antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E. Zinc, and Folate supplements are also helpful. Get enough vitamin D either from the sun or a supplement.
  4. Make sure you get enough sleep, as this is the bodies, recharge the battery time and drink 35ml/kilo of water each day.
  5. Most importantly examine your workload and stress levels and take steps to reduce them before they reduce your immunity to illness.

Your immune system is your best protection against illness in winter or at any time of year.

Value and look after your immune system in the same way that you value a roof over your head.