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10 Habits That Can Lead To InflammationInflammation is linked to every known disease. Most Americans are suffering from daily inflammatory symptoms and pain. Diminishing pain may mean consuming more than 4+ prescription medications to deal with inflammation.

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a marker of inflammation.” Inflammation causes the immune system, endocrine system, digestive system, body, and brain to react with symptoms, allergies, arthritis, and more. For instance, ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory condition from poor food choices to high stress levels that causes an impaired gut barrier.

In the U. S. there are 20 million people with diabetes and another 20 million with pre-diabetes. Eighty million have High Blood Pressure and one in three have cancer. Statistics show in just three years (2013-2016) 121.5 million American suffered from cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death. Seventy million are on anti-depressants, and forty-five million Americans are dieting at any moment.

There are 60+ trillion cells orchestrated to play perfectly in our body. Inflammation is never just about one note off-key. It’s a concert full of notes, habits, beliefs and decisions that bring down the choir. When we suffer from inflammation, our immune system is in a chronic state of alarm.

The good news is we can change these statistics when we change poor habits.

10 Inflammatory Habits

1- Staying up late every night is demanding more than your body can give. A good night sleep releases toxins. Poor sleep habits can increase our risk of obesity, brain fog, lowered immunity, fatigue, and depressive symptoms.

2-Caffeine is an endocrine disruptor. Caffeine disrupts digestion, decreases B vitamins, increases anxiety, IBS, blood sugar levels, and can be found causal in dehydration and increased stress levels. Stress can activate an inflammatory response in our brain as well as our body. Stress can increase our risk of depression and heart disease.

3- What we do to the skin affects our brain (such as a massage) and what we do to the brain affects our skin (such as stress).

Stress can activate an inflammatory response in our brain as well as our body. Stress can increase our risk of depression and heart disease. Additionally, skin cells are activated by stress and so they produce stress hormones and other inflammatory factors leading to inflammatory skin disorders.

4- Synthetics in foods. In the U.S., an abundance of synthetics are found in our foods in the form of dyes and added vitamins. Store-bought pies, whether from your favorite bakery, or big box stores, can contain unwanted chemicals and trans-fats. Trans-fats disrupt our mitochondria levels, leaving us depleted of energy. Poor food choices disrupt cortisol levels, stress levels, and causes cholesterol imbalances. For instance, a chronic sugar or alcohol habit causes inflammation in all body systems, including our adrenals. When the adrenals are stressed, our immune and digestive systems are compromised. Over time this can increase gut inflammation, heart disorders, high blood sugar levels, and premature ageing.

5-Polluting scents cause inflammation. According to a study in Environmental Health Perspectives, ” air-freshener or a few hours burning scented candles could be doing irreparable damage to your heart, causing inflammation!

6- Ingesting pesticides. Pesticide and herbicide ingestion can destroy all the health benefits of food. The herbicide Glyphosate damages all cellular systems throughout the body, causing inflammation, and oxidative stress. The result, oxidative stress is involved in myocardial failure.

7- Ladies, wearing a tight underwire bra can cause inflammation. Studies suggest anything tight such as tight pants, girdles, corsets, bras, and other compression garments can cause serious harm.

8-Dehydration has detrimental effects on cognition. Chronic recurrent dehydration associated with irregular water intake is also a risk factor for the progression of chronic kidney disease.

9- Not only is obesity an inflammatory disorder, it increases premature aging. According to Chris Kressler, “Inflammation begins in the fat cells themselves. Fat cells are the first to be affected by the development of obesity.” Inflammation of the fat tissue causes insulin resistance. And, according to Floyd Chilton in his book, Inflammation Nation, “Fat cells, themselves, produce the inflammatory messengers that cause inflammatory disease. The more fat cells you have, the more inflammatory messengers you will produce, increasing the likelihood that you’ll have an inflammatory disease.”

10- Lack of sunshine is reported in a wide range of disorders. “The risks of inadequate non-burning sun exposure include increased risks of all-cause mortality, in colorectal cancer, breast cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, prostate cancer and more.”

Adequate sunlight improves digestion, reduces brain fatigue, depression, boost neurotransmitters, immunity and vitamin D supply.

Tame the pain with the following 6 steps:

– Instead of NSAIDs, add in homemade juices to your daily routine.

Turmeric is recognized as an adaptogen, helping to support your body against stress by providing immune system support.

– Ginger is a natural probiotic and contains phytochemicals. Phytochemicals contain antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anti-diabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

– Add in more pure, clean water to your day, and decrease sugary drinks.

Activate the vagus nerve for health. You can implement the practice of meditation, deep breathing, gargling with warm water, and singing. Music reduces anxiety! By stimulating the vagus nerve you are inhibiting oxidative stress and inflammation.

– Sleeping well may reverse inflammation.

Conclusion: It’s always wise to understand what causes inflammation. By adding in essential nutrients and new habits, we can reverse years of damage and inflammation throughout our body.