Life Is Complicated

Guest Contributor – Dr Peter Weiss MD Life Is Complicated ! True, but does it have to be?  How much of life’s complexity do we create for ourselves?  A lot. How complicated have we made health in our country? We want to know everything.  What does the...

Make Exercise A Social Activity

Guest Contributor – Dr Peter J.Weiss MD I exercise alone.  I like it that way.  Sometimes my wife works out at the same time as I do, but we don’t talk while we’re sweating.  She’s does her thing and I do mine.   Maybe you’re different. ...

Overcoming Excuses To Get Healthy

Guest Contributor  Dr Peter J. Weiss M.D. Are you making excuses about your health?  Telling yourself why you can’t change instead of finding out how you can?  Probably.  I don’t mean to be insulting.  This is just how life is; we all make excuses. An excuse is a...