A recent paper in the Medical Journal of Australia (here) provides a nice overview of the biases that lead doctors to overtreat and overinvestigate, but also offers useful solutions that we need to act on. A cognitive bias is where existing beliefs persist in the face...
We all like good news. It is human nature. But not all news is good. This fact does not mean we can simply ignore it, tempting as that may be. In fact, it is often the case that we learn more when things go wrong. So, you might think that in medical science findings...
With all the hype about sugar these days it can be hard to get to the facts, away from emotional claims. Dr Joe and George Helou get to what matters to you. Dr JoeMedical Doctor, author, speaker, media presenter and health industry consultant, Dr Joe Kosterich...
Do you realise that every time you speak to yourself you are actually coaching yourself? Are you empowering yourself through your own internal dialogue or beating yourself up? Is that little voice inside of you your best friend or a saboteur? How would you like to be...
Every year a number of new drugs come onto the market. Some are greeted with fanfare while others just slide in. There is an assessment process to bring pharmaceuticals to market to show that they are safe, that they work and that side effects are acceptable. To get a...